Welcome to Halfway Houses Primary School. I hope that you find our website informative but you can always contact us if you have not found the answer you are looking for.
Halfway Houses Primary School is a 2/3 form entry school which is at the heart of the local community. You will find photos and information about the amazing things that happen at our school on our website and we look forward to welcoming you. We are part of a three school Multi-Academy Trust, The Island Learning Trust, alongside Minster-in-Sheppey Primary School and Sunny Bank Primary School. We work collaboratively with these schools to ensure that all of our children receive a high quality education that prepares them for their lives in the future world. We set high standards in a supportive and nurturing environment where everyone is enabled to “be the best they can be.”
Our children are confident, resilient and are listened to; their opinions matter. We are an inclusive school and work constantly to develop positive collaborative relationships both within school and the wider community. Our children are at the heart of all that we do and they receive a high quality curriculum that enables them to make fantastic progress as they move from Year R to Year 6. We offer high quality teaching and learning experiences underpinned by strong values (ROAR - Resilience, Optimism, Ambition, Responsibility) and a positive ethos and learning environment. Our children deserve the very best.
As the Executive Headteacher, l I am passionate about learning. I am determined that every child will receive the best experiences at Halfway Houses Primary School. I believe that great learning happens when the children are happy, comfortable and confident. I believe that the partnership between home and school is of paramount importance and my team will support both the individual children and their families on a shared vision of creating a life-long love of learning.
If you would like to find out more about what Halfway Houses Primary School can offer you then please contact me for further information or to organise a visit. We look forward to meeting you and would be delighted to show you around our school; a school that we are very proud of!
Mr Ryan Driver
Executive Headteacher
If you would like copies of any documents from our website, please contact the office directly.