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Sunny Bank Primary School

Halfway HousesPrimary School

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I would like to personally welcome you to Halfway Houses Primary School. At our school, every staff member, parent and leader strive to be the best that we can be and are committed to providing our children with the tools that they need for the future by being the best that they can be now, every moment, every day, every year and beyond.  


At the heart of our school is the power and support of our community which enables our children, families and staff to take on challenges, learn at the edge of their comfort zone and grow from the journey embarked upon. 




Every child, irrespective of ability, background and starting point fulfils their potential with confidence, facilitated by inspirational role models who set the highest expectations and standards. Children are supported to develop their own opinions, challenge stereotypes, promote positive mental and physical wellbeing to become future citizens of the world. As part of Halfway Houses Primary School and before the children leave us for the next stage on their journey, every staff member will strive for the following for every child: 


Our children will: 


  • All be fluent readers and all be able to read at the age expected standard. 

  • All be confident writers enabled to communicate at an age expected standard in writing, with an extensive vocabulary and a strong command of grammar. 

  • All be confident mathematicians, fluent in times tables and mathematically dextrous.  

  • All be lifelong learners, maintaining curiosity, have the skills to learn and the discipline for regular practice. 

  • All have the opportunity to access to the best quality cultural and life experiences through trips to theatres, castles, museums and abroad.  

  • All have access to tailored provision and specialist trained staff. 

  • All be responsible local and global citizens informed and conscientious, contributing positively to our community and our world. 

  • All will have the opportunity to develop pupil leadership skills. 

  • All know how to keep themselves safe, and physically/mentally healthy. 


School Values 


At Halfway Houses Primary School, we believe that empowered children can ROAR. 

We encourage our whole school community to demonstrate and take pride in our school values: 









Mr Jack Allen

Acting Headteacher


If you would like copies of any documents from our website, please contact the office directly.

Get in Touch

  • Halfway Houses Primary SchoolDanley Road, Sheerness, Isle of Sheppey,Kent, ME12 3AP

  • 01795662875