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Sunny Bank Primary School

Halfway HousesPrimary School

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Trustee Vacancies

Hello! Is it you we are looking for?


The Island Learning Trust is keen to recruit new trustees to the board...if you have a passion for education, a desire to raise aspirations for children, families and communities please do consider applying to join our board....we would particularly welcome trustees from a business background: HR, marketing, law or financial services.


I would be delighted if you would consider becoming a Trustee for The Island Learning Trust

Please take a look here for further information

I look forward to hearing from you. 


Debbie Wheeler



In the first instance, please contact Sarah Stanier - Recruitment Manager

at for further information


Working together

'to be the best we can be'

Get in Touch

  • Halfway Houses Primary SchoolDanley Road, Sheerness, Isle of Sheppey,Kent, ME12 3AP

  • 01795662875