All teachers have responsibility for children with special needs.
The SEND Co-ordinator is Gemma McIntyre-Lewis who can be contacted by phone on 01795 662875 or by email at
SEND at Halfway Houses
Halfway Houses Primary School offers a holistic approach to pupil’s learning. We are an inclusive school that ensures all of our pupils have equal opportunities to accomplish their full potential and ‘to be the best you can be’.
The Code of Practice (2015) states: All children and young people are entitled to an education that enables them to make progress so that they:
"Can achieve their best.
Become confident individuals living fulfilling lives.
Make a successful transition into adulthood, whether into employment, further or higher education or training (6.1)"
It also states that schools must use their best endeavours to make sure that a child with SEN gets the support they need – this means doing everything they can to meet children and young people’s SEN (6.2).
At Halfway Houses, we will refer to the Mainstream Core Standards. This is provision that the local area expects to be made available for children with SEND needs. You can find them here.
Our Special Education Needs Coordinator (SENCo) is Mrs Lewis. A SENCo is a qualified teacher who oversees the strategic development and day-to-day implementation of SEN policy and provision.
SEND Information
Who are the best people to talk to at Halfway Houses Primary School about my child’s difficulties with learning/Special Educational Needs or Disability (SEND)?
•Talk to us - in the first instance contact your child’s Class Teacher; if you still have concerns you can contact the SENDCo Gemma Lewis, Pastoral Support Worker Rebecca Hoggins or our Family Liaison Officer (FLO) Zoe Musk.
•We pride ourselves on building positive relationships with parents. We are open and honest with parents and hope that they are able to do the same with us.
What happens if the school identifies a need?
All our class teachers are responsible for the monitoring of all pupils who have been identified as having SEND. At Halfway Houses, we monitor the progress of pupils three times a year. They review those who are not making the expected level of progress in their schoolwork or socially.
If the teacher notices that a pupil is having difficulties, they try to find out if the pupil has any gaps in their learning. Teachers may refer to the following assessments to identify these gaps: termly assessments (in reading, writing and maths), Phonics Screening, Star Reader, Salford Reading Assessment, Speech and Language Link and Boxall Profiles. If they can find a gap, the school will provide appropriate support. Pupils who don’t have SEND usually make progress quickly once the gap in their learning has been filled. Class teachers will refer to the Trust SEND/AEN Moderation Form.
If the pupil is still finding it difficult to make the expected progress, the teacher will talk to the SENDCo, and will contact you to discuss the possibility that your child has SEND, and the school will follow the graduated approach.
Your child may be placed on the SEND register as EHCP (Education and Healthcare Plan) or SEND support where your child may be receiving extra interventions to help them catch up with their peers. We also keep a register (AEN) for children who may be vulnerable to under achieving so that we can put the right interventions in to minimise barriers to learning.
How will the school let me know I am concerned about my child’s progress at school?
•The Class Teacher will contact parents at least twice a year to discuss your child’s needs, support and progress.
•Class Teachers are always happy to discuss your child’s needs if you have questions and concerns in between more formal meetings.
•An appointment can be made with the SENDCo, Family Liaison Officer or Pastoral Support Worker to discuss more support if necessary.
For further information please read our SEND Information Report.
To see some of the provision we offer our pupils, please click here on our Provision Page.
Paediatric referrals
SEND Parent Meetings
At Halfway Houses, we offer SEND Parent Group Meetings once a term. The meetings are usually held in the afternoon for one hour and are informal. We have had some great guest speakers also attend like ADHD Sheppey, Autism Apprentice and Forest Autism Support. Other times we discuss SEN updates, common barriers children are currently facing. Parents have also suggested topics or charities they would be interested in speaking with. If you would like to attend, please get in contact with Mrs Lewis who will share the next date.
Support Links for Parent
The Local Offer – Each county will have a local offer that gives children, young people and their families information about support services available in their area.
Parent workshops about SEND – The MIDAS centre offers parent workshops about specific conditions, diagnoses and barriers to the child or young person’s life. Workshops could cover ASC, ADHD, Sleep support or Anxiety.
Other links that could support:
NELFT NHS provides an extensive range of integrated community and mental health services.
Kent Family
Kent family can help support you and your child as they grow and develop. Popular topics on the website are: Emotional Health and Wellbeing, Health Eating and Keeping your child active, Whole Family Health.
Iask will give free, impartial and confidential information, advice and support about special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) for children, young people up to age 25, parent and carers.
For us too
For us too is a charity that supports families with days out, drop-in groups and stay-and-play sessions in the summer.
Holding On Letting Go
Bereavement support for children, young people and their families.