Year 6
Welcome to Year 6
Flamingo Class | Toucan Class Y5/6 | Yellowhammer Class |
Miss Wood
Mrs Rodgers |
Mr Tragner
Mrs Jacobs Mrs Rook Mrs Lester
| Miss Pickard
Mrs Taylor |
Olive and her sisters Daisy and Elsie took part in the 'Colour me purple' fund raising event for Macmillan in memory of their mum. Well done girls, we are very proud of you!
Year 6 treat time!
Year 6 were glad to finish their SATs this week. We celebrated all of their hard work with a treat afternoon and ice creams on the field!
Some of year 6 were rockstars, taking part in a workshop to write a song based on our #welearnasone and ROAR values with Nathan Timothy. The children wrote the lyrics, melodies and percussion backing as well as some of the string riffs and backing vocals.