Please see the latest information below:
At Halfway Houses Primary School we know that good attendance is the key to successful schooling and we believe our pupils can be amongst the best! Good attendance at school is not just beneficial, it’s essential. Statistics show a direct link between under-achievement and absence. Children that attend regularly make better progress; both socially and academically, they find school routines, schoolwork and friendships easier to cope with and find learning more satisfying. As well as this, going to school helps to develop:
It is important that your child attends school every day and on time. Arriving late to school is unsettling for children and means they miss key information and important input at the beginning of lessons.
Reporting Absence
It is a parents/carers responsibility to notify school if their child is absent. A reason must be provided and for prolonged periods of absence medical evidence may be requested.
Medical Appointments
Where possible all appointments should be booked outside of school hours. Where this is not possible, the amount of school time missed must be kept to a minimum. To authorise this absence medical evidence must be provided.
Too ill to attend school?
We understand that when children first start school they can be susceptible to childhood illnesses such as chickenpox etc, children can attend school with minor ailments (toothache, headache, stomach ache, cold, sore throat) over the counter medicines can be given before school and then if required, administered during school. We will call you should your child become too ill to remain in school. Family holidays should be taken during school holiday
periods. There are 175 non-school days for day trips and holidays. Requests for any additional leave must be made in writing and only be authorised in exceptional circumstances
Fines of £160 per parent/carer may be issued where unauthorised leave has been taken during term time. We expect all children to achieve 100% attendance with a minimum of 96% and we follow up absences with first day calling. We routinely monitor all pupils falling below 96%. Your child is considered to be a Persistent Absentee is their attendance falls below 90%. Parents may be invited to meet with the FLO, HoS or governors to explore reasons for poor attendance. We are required to record all occasions of absence. If your child’s absence level appears excessive, we are required to alert the School Liaison Officer, who will work with you and us in order to improve attendance levels.
The school liaison officer also monitors lateness. Pupils arriving between 8.50 am – 9.10 am are recorded as late. Our registers close at 9.10 a.m. and after this time late pupils are recorded as having an unauthorised absence. Parents have a legal duty to ensure that their child(ren) attend school regularly and arrive on time. If parents have not phoned in, the school will be in contact to investigate why the child is not in school. If contact cannot be made, we may need to carry out a home visit. If contact is still not possible, this may be followed up with a police welfare check. This is a safeguarding issue so that all parties know that your child is safe. Parents should regularly update the school and inform when their child is returning.