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Sunny Bank Primary School

Halfway HousesPrimary School

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Home Learning

Welcome to our home learning page to support pupils with special educational needs. Please click on the links below to access resources to support your child with their speech and language development, academic progress and emotional well-being. If you have any further questions please contact our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator via email:


These websites are for your information and may be used if you need additional support for your children who may be struggling with the work set on our website for their year group or it may be useful to provide strategies for you to enable children to work more effectively at home.


All of these websites are not just for whilst we are at home at the present time. They will be useful at any time in your children’s lives so please take a look and see what you find useful and any feedback would be gratefully received so that we are able to signpost other families to the best resources.


Gemma Lewis


Halfway Houses Primary School

This website provides information for parents regarding home schooling. We would not advocate this but the resources on this website could be helpful to you and your children’s learning.

Here is a website that can support all areas of the curriculum that can be used additionally to support learning.

This website has great resources to support a particular area of need:

Cognition and Learning

Communication and Interaction

Social and Emotional Health needs

Sensory/Physical needs

This has more information using social stories to help with everyday activities that you may struggle with at home.

This is a games website, particularly targeted towards the varying needs of your children.

We use Speech and Language Link at our schools and they have produced activities for parents to use at home for children with Speech, Language and Communication needs.

EAL resources

Talk for writing resources

Get in Touch

  • Halfway Houses Primary SchoolDanley Road, Sheerness, Isle of Sheppey,Kent, ME12 3AP

  • 01795662875