Term Dates
Attendance Percentages
The school year is made up of 190 days.
95% = 10 days
90% = 20 days
85% = 30 days
80% = 40 days
75% = 50 days
70% = 60 days
The Government expects every child to achieve 100% attendance.
Term Time Holidays
Following a meeting of representative head teachers from schools on the Isle of Sheppey, it was noted that high numbers of teaching days are lost as a result of holidays taken during term time.
This also applies to other circumstances where a leave of absence may be requested, such as a day for a birthday.
Therefore, a joint decision has been made in respect of requests for holidays in term time.
We therefore recommend you take time to read and familiarise yourselves with the following information:
The Guidance on The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) Regulations 2006, by which all schools are bound state quite clearly:
'Family Holidays are not a right. Head Teachers can grant up to 10 days in special circumstances i.e. for service personnel and other employees who are prevented from taking holidays outside term time - BUT only if the holiday will have minimal disruption to the pupil's education and:
when a family needs to spend time together, to support each other, during or after a crisis'.
In accordance with the regulations, holidays which are taken for the following reasons will not be authorised:
Availability of cheap holidays
Availability of the desired accommodation
Work shift patterns
Poor weather experienced in school holiday period
Overlap with beginning or end of term
Please be aware that the High Court has confirmed that it is only the school, not parents that can make the decision to authorise absence (London Borough of Bromley v "C") - it is not even for Magistrates to consider whether the absence was justified - only - whether the school granted leave or not.
Regular and punctual attendance at school is both a legal requirement and essential for pupils to maximise their educational opportunities.
The Local Authority and schools have an expectation of 100% attendance for all pupils.
A pupil who takes 10 days holiday during one whole academic year will only attain 94.7% attendance. A pupil who takes these days between September and May will only attain 93.8% attendance.
In light of the above, we must inform you that the Island schools have now removed holiday request forms and would respectfully ask that parents/carers refrain from removing their child from school during term time for the purpose of holiday.
Should circumstances arise where you feel it is necessary to request leave for holiday, then a letter detailing the circumstances should be sent to the Head Teacher for consideration.
The taking of an unauthorised holiday in term time may result in the issuing of a penalty notice by the Local Authority.
Section 23 of the Anti Social Behaviour Act 2003 empowers designated officers of the Local Authority to issue Penalty Notices in cases of unauthorised absence from school.
This section allows the parent to pay a penalty fine of £60 if paid within 28 days or £120 if paid between 28 and 42 days instead of being prosecuted in the Magistrates Court for the offence.
Non payment of a penalty notice may result in a fast track prosecution under Section 444(1) of the 1996 Education Act.
This decision has been undertaken in accordance with the aforementioned regulations, but more importantly in the best interests of the pupils.
Attendance is closely linked to your child's progress and 2007 data has shown that fewer than 52% of 11 year olds with an average of 12 days or more absence achieve level 4 in English and Maths compared to 84% with 6 days or less.
We therefore hope you, as parent/carer, will support us in this matter to enable us to achieve the best outcomes for your children.
This letter is sent with the agreement of all primary schools on the Island and in partnership with the Attendance and Behaviour Service.