Welcome to our Maths Page
The National Curriculum for mathematics aims to ensure that all pupils:
- Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasing complex problems over time, so that pupils have a conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately.
- Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language
- Can solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of routine and non-routine problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.
Mathematics is an interconnected subject in which pupils need to be able to move fluently between representations of mathematics ideas.
Mathematics is a creative and highly inter-connected discipline that has developed over centuries, providing the solution to some of history’s intriguing problems. It is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment. A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.
(National Curriculum 2014)
At Halfway Houses Primary School, Mathematics is planned and delivered to all pupils across the EYFS, KS1 and KS2. It offers a broad foundation of mathematical experience designed to provide our pupils with the understanding, skills and knowledge needed for everyday situations and experiences.
We aim to ensure that all pupils have appropriate experience of a broad and balanced mathematics curriculum based on the National Curriculum 2014. Therefore, our children will become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, developing conceptual understanding and be able to apply their mathematical knowledge and skills to solve problems and develop mathematical reasoning.
Children will:
- Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry and develop and present a justification, including in unfamiliar mathematical language
- Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics so that they are efficient in using and selecting the appropriate written algorithms and mental methods, underpinned by mathematical concepts
- Problem solve by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication, including unfamiliar contexts and to model real-life scenarios
At Halfway Houses Primary School through analysis of our pupils’ background and life experiences, we recognise that for many of our pupils developing a solid grasp of key number facts such as number bonds and multiplication tables is essential to enable them to be able to access, explore and use the key skills of Mathematics. As a result, our curriculum aims to promote regular practise of these basic skills in a range of contexts. We are also aware that many of our pupils lack confidence in this area and this is equally the case for many of our parents whose own school experiences have shaped the way they view this area of the curriculum. Our pupils need to be encouraged to see themselves as capable mathematicians and therefore we promote a Growth Mindset attitude and invest time in ensuring that all our learners recognise that challenge and struggle are important parts of the learning journey.
By offering a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum we are committed to enabling each pupil to develop their capabilities to be the best they can be. We also aim to provide each pupil with the skills and understanding that may be needed for the study of other subjects and that will support transition into secondary school and adult life.
At Halfway Houses we aim to:
- Foster a positive Growth Mindset attitude and enjoyment of learning towards mathematics.
- Challenge children to stretch themselves and take risks in their learning
- Develop confidence and competence with number facts such as number bonds and multiplication tables.
- Develop knowledge and understanding.
- Develop secure mental calculation methods which will lead into written methods as pupils understand how information can be gathered and presented.
- Ensure that pupils understand the importance of mathematics in a real-life context, therefore giving their learning relevance and purpose.
- Provide pupils with a range of contexts to use and apply their skills, knowledge and understanding.
- Encourage pupils to ask questions, test theories and investigate ideas, using appropriate mathematical language to reason and explain.
- Relate mathematical skills to other areas of the curriculum.
- Ensure that pupils understand that mathematics is an inter-connected discipline and link different areas of learning together.
In order to support a broad mathematical curriculum, teachers carefully plan and prepare learning to allow pupils to experience a rich range of activities including opportunities to engage in:
- Using a range of manipulatives.
- Recording mathematical learning in a number of ways.
- Activities which promote rich mathematical talk.
- Practical activities and games e.g. shape and space walks.
- Opportunities to use and apply their mathematical thinking and learning.
- Problem solving to challenge thinking e.g. problems and puzzles from NRICH.
- Individual, paired, group and whole class learning and discussions.
- Using interactive programs such as Times Tables Rockstars
- Opportunities to differentiate their own learning and choose their challenge.
We ensure that every pupil experiences success within Mathematics. For many of our pupils it is important to develop their confidence and resilience so that they can tackle a range of mathematical activities.
Our curriculum follows the White Rose scheme which ensures that all mathematical domains are planned for children are challenged to progress.
These domains are:
- Number and Place Value
- Number –Addition and Subtraction
- Number – Multiplication and division
- Number – Fractions, decimals, percentages and ratio
- Measures
- Geometry – Properties of shape
- Geometry – Position and direction
- Statistics
- Algebra
White Rose objectives are followed and then lessons are adapted for the needs of the children in each class. Within each planned unit of work teachers ensure that pupils are offered opportunity to practise and consolidate skills as well as being able to use their knowledge and skills in a range of meaningful contexts. We endeavour to plan for progression not only on a daily basis but also across a unit of learning.
Cross Curricular Links
A key component of our creative curriculum planning for our foundation subjects is to also ensure that pupils are given opportunity to apply their mathematical knowledge and skills in a range of meaningful contexts e.g. Year 4 pupils when undertaking leaning linked to the Polar regions will explore ideas focusing on changing temperatures and Year 5 pupils whilst studying Human Rights and Human Wrongs will explore how fair trade supports the financial rights of local farmers.
As a school when and where it is appropriate we will also undertake enrichment weeks and events with clear mathematical links e.g. Maths Week England, NSPCC Number Day, Maths Week and TTRS tournaments. These extended curriculum opportunities are not only enjoyable but enable pupils to work at their own level exploring areas of mathematics which are important for everyday life whilst also developing their strategic thinking. Embedding mathematics across the curriculum supports the idea of transferability of skills whilst also enabling pupils to develop greater fluency.
At Halfway Houses, continual use of formative assessment enables teachers to frame learning to ensure that pupils are given opportunity to grasp concepts and that learning gaps are closed through reactive teaching and intervention. Planning builds upon the ideas of:
- Fluency – Know it
- Using and applying – use it
- Reasoning – prove it
All learners are given opportunity to explain their understanding and apply it in a range of different contexts. At Halfway we believe that deep learning needs to stick and be recalled over time, as a result key ideas are revisited often as ‘Do Now’ tasks which serve as a memory platform. Teachers are also encouraged to plan where possible learning activities which link areas of mathematics together, this not only enables the recall of specific ideas but also develops fluency and allows knowledge and understanding to be used in other contexts.
Our mathematics curriculum is delivered using the White Rose Maths Hub primarily and short term weekly plans are adapted for each class. Teachers use high quality PowerPoints which follow the White Rose teaching sequence. Teachers teaching the same year group plan and evaluate together at a weekly meeting. These plans outline the weekly focus and note the specific daily learning objectives to be taught. Within short term planning, clear success criteria for each learning objective taught should be created (these will often be co-constructed with the pupils). Where children are working significantly below their age related level, they may need to work towards objectives from lower age-groups. Across the week all pupils should be provided with opportunity to develop fluency, reason mathematically and solve problems. Planning, where possible, should involve real life contexts for maths, where children are problem solving with a purpose in mind. It is important however that all examples chosen are realistic and relevant providing currency to their lives.
Formative assessment will be continually used throughout the teaching sequence and plans will be annotated with written adaptations and amendments if required. Across the week pupils will be identified who required reactive or adaptive teaching sessions.
Lesson structure:
In KS 1 and 2 pupils will undertake a daily Numeracy lesson with a duration of 1 hour.
A typical lesson will have the following components:
- Do now task – an immediate hook to engage pupils this can link to previous learning and therefore support the development of a mastery curriculum.
- New Learning - Key learning is introduced. Emphasis is placed upon modelling, the presentation of appropriate and varied mathematical representations.
- Talk task - high quality talk and questioning. Sometimes the focus for this session is new learning, at other times pupils may be practising, to master the application of a concept they have learned earlier.
- Develop learning –pupils are encouraged to work collaboratively to explore key ideas, whilst also providing opportunity for the further use of formative assessment to identify misconceptions and identify pupils who may require corrective teaching.
- Independent task – pupils work independently on key ideas. Pupils are encouraged to challenge themselves with different levels of activities.
- Digging deeper and reasoning –opportunities to use and apply, problem solve and reason.
- Reflections on learning (Plenary) – pupils reflect on the learning undertaken and may tackle a mastery question or review learning through a peer/self-assessment task.
Our Marking and Feedback policy is used by staff to guide and inform teaching and learning in maths.
Books and presentation:
Children in Years 1 -6 will record their work in squared books. One digit/symbol per square is the agreed rule.
- The numerical date will be placed page with the day, month and year and underlined
- The WALT (Learning objective) will be written underneath and underlined.
- Books in KS2 will have margins of 2 squares on each page.
- Self-correction by pupils and challenge for depth questions will be completed in green pen.
- Children’s responses to their teacher’s marking should be encouraged when it is appropriate.
- Peer-assessment and self-assessment should be evident
- Presentation codes in line with school policy will be placed upon each piece of work.
- If pupils undertake choice and challenge activities the level of challenge will be clearly indicated in the book.
- Pupils will be encouraged to record their learning in a variety of ways including a range of visual models.
At Halfway Houses, maths leadership will be the primary responsibility of an Assistant Headteacher and a supporting member of staff.
The subject leader’s role is to empower colleagues to teach maths to a high standard and support staff in the following ways:
- Inspiring an exciting and creative approach to maths teaching.
- Supporting maths teaching through advice, guidance, professional development and resources.
- Reviewing the maths policy and monitoring its implementation.
- By keeping up to date on current issues; disseminating relevant information and providing training for staff members (either directly or through other professionals)
- Leading by example / modelling lessons or styles of teaching
- Having a knowledge of the quality of mathematics provision across the school
- Identifying and acting on development needs of staff members
- Monitoring expectations, provision and attainment across the school and providing feedback to develop practice further in order to raise standards.
- Providing necessary equipment and maintaining it to a high standard.
- Reporting to parents, governors and others when appropriate
Monitoring of children’s progress begins with performance review meetings but continues with the subject leader, SLT and Middle Leaders evaluating further evidence to ensure children are making progress. This monitoring happens through examination of work in books, planning, pupil interviews, analysis of assessment results and the assessments used, and through other means depending on what is information needs to be gleaned.
The school has adopted a Deep Dive approach to monitoring.
Following monitoring activities feedback is given to staff about how they can strengthen their practice and CPD (professional development) opportunities built in where it would be deemed valuable. These might take the shape of inputs during staff meetings, developmental lesson observations and coaching.
Where specific initiatives have been put in place through action planning for school development, these are monitored by the subject leader and/or Middle Leaders in order to evaluate their impact.
Lesson study is used regularly to support the development of learning, teaching, practice and subject knowledge of teachers and is recognised as a powerful tool which supports professional development.
All teachers will engage in termly moderation exercises. In order to support professional development and dialogue all teachers will participate in moderation activities across our collaboration three times a year. This practice offers opportunity to discuss judgements on pupil performance and ensures that all judgements are accurate and consistent with national standards.
Environment, resources and IT:
The school aims to provide a mathematically stimulating environment:
- through displays and maths hubs that promote mathematical thinking and discussion
- through displays of pupils’ work that celebrate achievement
- by providing a good range of resources for teacher and pupil use.
Each classroom has a Working Wall. Key vocabulary and other resources to support the focus area of learning will be displayed. Each classroom will also display an interactive TTRS display.
Classrooms will have a variety of teaching aids to support mathematics relevant to the year group of that class. All classes have access to a wide variety of age appropriate equipment including Numicon, multilink, Dienes, place value counters, double-sided counters, Cuisenaire rods, number lines, two and three dimensional shapes and maths stationary (such as rulers, protractors, compasses, set squares and calculators).
Pupils are encouraged to choose resources which are relevant to their learning, take care of and return them.
Each pupil has their own TTRS username and password, as does each member of teaching staff. Online tools and resources are used to support lesson planning and delivery.
The resources are audited, checked and updated. Areas of need are monitored and equipment purchased in line with need and the School Improvement Plan (SIP).
Once key concepts and ideas are grasped all learners are provided with opportunity to explore ideas more deeply, with some leaners accessing even greater challenge to deepen their thinking further.
At Halfway, ‘mastery approaches’ to teaching maths are used to ensure that deep, long-term, secure and adaptable understanding of the subject. We are committed to the idea that maths is a tool for life and teachers are key in reinforcing an expectation that all pupils are capable of achieving in mathematics.
- Curriculum design ensures that longer time is prioritised for key topics, with teachers capitalising on opportunities to link areas of mathematics together. This supports a mastery curriculum and ensures that all pupils are able to develop secure and deep understanding of each key learning point.
- Learning journeys are carefully planned by using a step-by step approach to foster deep conceptual and procedural knowledge. It is vital that all pupils engage in reasoning, problem-solving and the development of mathematical thinking. Concrete and pictorial representations are chosen carefully to help build procedural and conceptual knowledge together.
- Time is devoted to the direct teaching of methods through modelled examples to ensure that the children are fully confident to tackle independent tasks. Mathematical errors and misconceptions are dealt with as they are identified in a positive and supportive way, teaching what is right and what is not right.
- Collaboration and mathematical talk is central to our approach and pupils are encouraged to work with partners and groups to verbalise their mathematical thinking. Possible solutions are shred, analysed and discussed to deepen understanding. Questioning is used to extend and challenge therefore ensuring that all develop as mathematical thinkers. Correct mathematical vocabulary is encouraged and used by all.
- Pupils are encouraged to record their understanding in a variety of ways. Children are given a variety of mathematical approaches to solving problems. They are encouraged to develop their own mathematical strategies as well as learning standard method.
- Fluency comes from deep knowledge and practice. This is why at Halfway we recognise the importance of learning our times tables as this can support the development of quick and efficient mental calculation. Practice leads to other number facts becoming second nature. The ability to recall facts from the long term memory and manipulate them to work out other facts is important.
- We recognise and help to develop the children's abilities to select methods for problem solving mentally, recognising that these may differ from those used to solve pencil and paper problems
SMSC links
The Social Child: Mathematics supports social development through opportunities for collaborative learning, our children are regularly encouraged to work alongside talking partners. This provides pupils with an opportunity to discuss key mathematical ideas and thinking with their peers. Teachers also actively encourage risk taking which enables pupils to explore and try new ideas without the fear of failure. This approach of developing Mathematical Mindsets boosts self-esteem and confidence within Mathematics. Learning activities also encourage the development of independence and resilience.
The Moral Child: Within our classrooms we encourage respect and place emphasis and value on pupils listening to others’ views and opinions linked to mathematical strategies used and approaches to problem solving. Within Mathematics children will recognise how logical reasoning can be used to consider the consequences of particular decisions and choices. Mathematics also supports moral development by encouraging children to discuss and evaluate a range of social and moral issues found in the world, this often draws upon other areas of study for example: Year 5 children consider how fair trade financially supports local farmers.
The Spiritual Child: Mathematics supports spiritual development by engaging children with depth of thinking and problem solving. Through Mathematics children gain an appreciation of the richness and power of Mathematics in our everyday lives. Throughout the years, children develop reflective skills within Mathematics being regularly encouraged to self-assess and develop an understanding of where they are and how they need to improve.
The Cultural Child: Mathematics supports the cultural development of our children by exposing them to a range of different approaches to problem solving and reasoning skills. Mathematics teaching also enables children to explore and develop an appreciation that Mathematics, its language and symbols have developed from many different cultures around the world. Cross curriculum links with other subject areas supports the exploration of ideas such as: symmetrical patterns and tessellation through art.
Assessment is a vital tool in the teaching of Mathematics, designed to monitor children's progress and measure attainment. It is also used to inform future planning by staff at Halfway. Teachers are responsible for assessing and recording children’s progress in mathematics. Assessment opportunities are built into the planning of lessons and a range of other methods are used as appropriate. Standards are checked both in-school and through external moderation opportunities.
These include:
- summative standardised annual tests from Y2 to Y6 (NFER) with statutory tests at the end of Years 2 and 6.
- EYFS observations across the Foundation Curriculum are used to complete termly assessments in line with Development Matters Guidance.
- completion of Foundation Stage Profile at the end of the academic year.
- TTRS online activities and heat maps.
- weekly times tables quizzes.
- Termly times tables assessments.
- self and peer- assessments.
- children's work marked promptly and in accordance with the school marking policy and AFL policy.
- observations of individuals or groups, looking for particular skills or concepts to be demonstrated.
- moderation of children’s work to agree and check the standards of attainment.
- reporting achievements to parents on reports and on Parent Evenings.
- NCETM assessment materials.
- Summative assessment will be submitted thrice yearly onto the school’s pupil tracking system ‘O’track’. Three ‘data drops’ were carefully identified as a progressive balance between the potential associated stresses and workload of summative assessment and the valuable information gathering and test awareness that the completion offers.
- At the end of the academic year, children’s assessments are passed on to the next teacher to identify areas for improvements.
- At the end of each year parents will be informed on their child’s reports whether their child has met age-related expectations, are working towards them or have exceeded them. Parents’ evenings throughout the year will inform parents about their child’s ongoing progress and attainment. Teachers will identify targets for each pupils using formative and summative assessments these will be shared with parents and suggestions given as to how they could further support their child.
How can I help my child with their Maths learning?
Here are some questions that you could ask your child.
What do you like learning about in maths?
What do you find tricky?
What do you do if you find something tricky?
What's the best way to learn your tables?
How does maths help you in day to day life?
How do you think maths will help you in the future?
Do you know about the work of any famous mathematicians?
What maths skills will I need to use if I go shopping?
How does your maths learning help you in other subjects?
What are the things you have to remember to do when you need to solve a word problem?