Online & Social Media Safety
The Designated Safeguarding Leads responsible for online safety are Danielle Hall,( Ryan Driver ( and Dan Tragner.
Our curriculum leads for online safety are Rebecca Cooper and Clare James.
These leaflets are a great guide for online safety as they are age specific; follow the QR codes for further support.
What is Online Safety?
- Online safety = safeguarding young people (and adults) in the digital world.
- Online safety= learning, understanding & using new technologies in a positive way.
- Online safety = adults being educated to be able to support & help young people.
- Online safety = not about restricting children, but educating them about the risks as well as the benefits, so they can feel confident & happy online.
ThinkUKnow 5/7yrs Hectors World
If you are being bullied or are worried about something you have seen or been asked to do online and would like to talk to someone in confidence right now you can call CEOP or Childline on 0800 1111 or talk to them online - no worry is too big or too small.
Please also tell an adult that you trust, like a parent/carer or teacher.
.....remember, if you can lie about your age to get onto a site, so can anyone else!
• Never give out information about yourself or people you know.
This includes names, school, where you are, when your going on holiday, your birthday or even your passwords.
• Never arrange to meet someone that you don't know. If you really want to meet up then make sure an adult goes with you.
• If someone asks you to do something you are not happy with just say 'NO' and report to your parents.
• Stop straight away if you read something that upsets you and go and tell your parents about it right away.
• Learn how to keep a log of your MSN conversations - it could come in handy.
• Make your passwords really hard to guess!
• Don't use pictures or videos of yourself or anyone, unless you have your parents' permission first. Remember these images will be in cyberspace forever!
• Watch What You Say!
Set your privacy settings high on social networking sites.
Giving out information about yourself or other people can cause serious trouble - so can posting nasty comments about people online, in emails or on MSN, this is a type of bullying called Cyber-bullying and can get you into trouble with the police!
Be Careful, Be Polite.
and remember...It's illegal to try to hack into someone else’s account!
Key Advice for Parents/Carers
- Talk to your child and understand how they are using the internet and their phone.
- Use safety tools & parental controls-if your not sure how contact your service provider.
- Please note tools are not always 100% effective.
- Your child is just as likely to be a bully as to be a target. Be alert to your child being upset after using the internet/phone-they may be secretive, change relationships with friends.
- Remind your child not to retaliate.
- Keep any evidence of Cyber-bullying-emails, online conversations, texts etc. to show the school/police etc.
- Report the Cyber-bullying.
- Contact the school so they can take action if it involves another pupil.
- Contact the service provider.
- If the cyber-bullying is serious and a potential criminal offence has been committed then consider contacting the police or CEOP.