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Sunny Bank Primary School

Halfway HousesPrimary School

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Welcome to our PSHE page


At Halfway Houses Primary School we are committed to creating a learning community in which children can Roar – have resilience, optimism, ambition and responsibility.  They need to be perseverant, resilient risk takers who take responsibility for their learning and develop their critical, creative and social abilities fully. We believe that children learn best when learning is: exciting, challenging, creative, collaborative, practical, reflective and meaningful. Learning should inspire children to ask questions and to wonder. It should provide them with memorable experiences. It should develop in them the skills of communication, collaboration, critical thinking, social responsibility, problem solving and reflection. It should have the highest of expectations of the learners. It should build on experience and always be purposeful and relevant.

Furthermore, health and wellbeing are paramount for a child to be successful; we strive to ensure all our children make well-informed choices through promoting our school values and through delivering a broad and balanced Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) curriculum. We place emphasis on developing healthy, respectful relationships whilst supporting them in developing resilience and character. Children are encouraged to believe in themselves and achieve their goals both academically and personally.

The promotion of pupils’ personal development is a fundamental aspect of education and underpins all other learning. Through our curriculum, our school environment and ethos, we promote pupils’ self-esteem and emotional well-being. Our children are encouraged to take part in a wide range of activities and experiences across and beyond the curriculum, contributing fully to the life of our school and communities. In doing so they learn to recognise their own worth, work well with others and become increasingly responsible for their own learning.

At Halfway Houses Primary we aim:

  1. To promote children’s personal, social and economic development, as well as their physical and mental health and wellbeing.
  2. To give children the knowledge, skills and understanding they need to lead confident, healthy, independent lives and to become well-informed, active, responsible citizens.
  3. To place children’s wellbeing, happiness and safety as our first priority and to use PSHE as the key vehicle through which we share this with children.
  4. To regard PSHE as an important, integral component of our curriculum central to our approach and at the core of our ethos
  5. To promote the spiritual, moral, cultural, mental and physical development of our children and of society,
  6. To prepare our children for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences they already face and for adult life,
  7. To provide information about keeping healthy and safe, emotionally and physically,
  8. To encourage our children to understand how all actions have consequences and how they can make informed choices to help themselves, others and the environment


PSHE forms an integral part of our school ethos and values, permeating our entire school curriculum. The programme is taught through a range of teaching methods with an emphasis placed on active learning such as planned discussions, circle-time, role-play activities, group work and problem solving allowing children the opportunity to explore new and challenging information and ideas in an environment where they feel safe and supported.

It will be provided in a variety of ways reflecting the age, needs, abilities and understanding of our pupils and ensuring a whole school approach to the subject:

  1. There will be a weekly PSHE lesson in every year group in order to develop themes and share ideas e.g. circle time, discussions, group work
  2. Opportunities will also be found within other curriculum areas such as working collaboratively with a partner or in small groups, improving health in PE and exploring current issues through the creative curriculum
  3. Throughout the school there will be acknowledgement of PSHE in every lesson through the teachers and pupils’ relationships with each other.
  4. Activities will be provided as group, class or school events and initiatives e.g. community projects, school productions, assemblies for parents and friends, celebration assemblies and an annual residential trip for Year 6.
  5. At lunchtimes and playtimes opportunities exist for developing friendships and playing co-operatively.
  6. We also explore a variety of PSHE aspects during special days and weeks.

The children’s learning and development is at the heart of all that we do therefore all learning opportunities in PSHE are matched with the children’s own needs, abilities and understanding, seeking out children’s prior knowledge and then building upon this. We use a comprehensive spiral teaching approach building on children’s understanding year after year. We use Coram Life Education’s SCARF PSHE scheme of work, which was updated in March 2020 and continues to be updated to meet all statutory requirements for health and relationships education, to guide our weekly lessons. Each year group from the Foundation Stage to Year 6, cover the same overarching topics but at the appropriate level for their age and development.


Cross-curricular links:

Although PSHE lessons are timetabled into the curriculum, it cannot be taught as a separate subject in isolation. There are many cross-curricular links throughout the day from collective worship which promotes and celebrates our Halfway values to lunchtime where children gain an understanding of a healthy diet. Cross curricular links through subjects such as English, History, Geography and R.E. also provide many opportunities to support and extend the PSHE curriculum.

Work in these areas enables children to:

  1. Use role play and drama activities to ensure equality of access to a diverse range of language and literature.
  2. See the diversity of human experience and understand more about themselves as individuals and members of society.
  3. Understand that people involved in the same historical event had different experiences and views and developed a variety of different stories, versions and interpretations.
  4. Challenge stereotypical views of countries and understand that all economic development takes place within a global context.
  5. Focus on common elements, concerns and values in human experience and religious traditions, while appreciating the distinctiveness and integrity.


We also welcome visiting speakers and outside agencies into our school and classrooms to share their knowledge, skills and information. Children are supported in applying the skills they are learning in real-life situations as they arise, for example, resolving conflicts or working as part of a group on a project.


At Halfway Houses Primary School, the children are encouraged to take part in a range of practical activities promoting active citizenship. They take an active role in charitable giving days such as ‘Children in need’, as well as awareness weeks like ‘Anti-bullying’. The children are given opportunities to develop their personal and social skills through roles and responsibilities such as playtime Buddies, Librarians and Attendance Monitors, and chosen representatives meet regularly for the Halfway Parliament meetings. Children work collaboratively with their class to create their own class rules, help to raise and care for a variety of animals in the school and enjoy organising and carrying out litter picking around the school; taking on roles of responsibility for themselves, for others and for the school.


Creating a safe learning environment:

We understand that some areas of PSHE teaching and learning are particularly sensitive; therefore, we will ensure that all sessions, including those on risky behaviours, remain positive in tone so that children become knowledgeable and are able to make well-informed, positive, healthy lifestyle choices now and in the future. All teachers will endeavour to provide a safe learning environment through the establishment of clear Ground Rules which are made explicit to the children and reinforced consistently. Maintaining all children’s welfare is our paramount concern, therefore we will ensure that where pupils indicate that they may be at risk, they will get the appropriate support.



Social, moral, spiritual and cultural understanding is embedded into our PSHE curriculum through providing children with the knowledge, values, attitudes and skills which they need to leave our school as informed, empathetic, thoughtful and respectful community members who are ready to successfully make the transition to secondary school.


PSHE encourages children to form positive and meaningful relationships. They learn to listen to one another’s thoughts, ideas and experiences and develop their ability to successfully adjust their behaviour in a range of social contexts from quietly sharing their thoughts and ideas with their response partner to role-playing an experience or scenario in front of their class or in an assembly.


Throughout their time at Halfway Houses Primary School, children are continuously developing and deepening their knowledge of right and wrong. They quickly gain a sound understanding of the school rules and take ownership of creating their own class rules. Children demonstrate their respect for the rules and boundaries by making seamless transitions to forest and beach school, as well as in the community and outside world when visiting different places on school trips and residential stays. Children learn the importance of looking after our environment and enjoy sharing responsibility in helping to care for our school ground and animals. Through their active participation in ‘Anti-bullying week’ and ‘Cyber Safety Day’, children develop their ability to think through the consequences of their own and others’ actions. They learn to respect each other’s’ needs, interests and feelings as well as their own, and develop an ability to make responsible and reasoned judgments on moral dilemmas. Each month a new value is introduced to the children in an assembly. The children are then encouraged to continue to explore the meaning of the value over the month to deepen their understanding.


In PSHE, children are continuously exploring their own feelings and emotions. They are able to share their own thoughts, feelings and experiences in an environment where they feel comfortable, safe and valued. Children have a sense of enjoyment and fascination when learning about themselves, others and the world around us. PSHE encourages children to identify and celebrate what makes them a special and unique individual.


In PSHE, children are continuously encouraged to explore their own and other people’s values. This exploration allows children to develop their understanding of different lifestyles and the choices of others, and they begin to make comparisons between their own and others’ lives. They begin to recognise the value and richness of cultural diversity in Britain and how these influence individuals and society. Through PSHE, our children are encouraged to be both inward and outward looking.


Role and Responsibilities of the PSHE Subject Leader:

At Halfway Houses Primary School, the PSHE Subject Leader has the responsibility of overseeing the subject within the school including:

  1. Formulating and updating the policy when appropriate.
  2. Ensuring staff are aware of the policy’s content and that it matches classroom practice as far as possible.
  3. Ensuring appropriate resources are available.

‘Today’s children and young people are growing up in an increasingly complex world and living their lives seamlessly on and offline. This presents many positive and exciting opportunities, but also challenges and risks. In this environment, children and young people need to know how to be safe and healthy, and how to manage their academic, personal and social lives in a positive way.’ DfE (September 2019) ‘Relationship Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education’.

At Halfway Houses Primary School health and well-being is paramount. We strive to ensure all our children make well-informed choices through promoting our school values and through delivering a broad and balanced Personal Social and Health Education curriculum. We place emphasis on developing healthy, respectful relationships whilst supporting them in developing their resilience and character. Children are encouraged to believe in themselves and achieve their goals both academically and personally. The Relationships and Sex Education provided forms a foundation for further work in secondary schools and the skills and attitudes developed will enable the children to lead happy, safe and healthy lives where they are successful and productive members of society.   

We believe that, to be effective, Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) should always be taught within a broader PSHE education programme. Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) enhances and is enhanced by learning related to topics including anti-bullying; keeping safe on and off line; keeping physically and mentally healthy, learning about drugs, alcohol and tobacco; and the development of skills and attributes such as communication skills, managing peer pressure, risk management, resilience and decision making. Please refer to specific policies for further information


In accordance with our vision and values the aims of sex and relationship education (RSE) at our school is to support our children in a safe and respectful environment to have an understanding of what it means to become a healthy happy adult. 

We aim to achieve this by:
•    Providing a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place supporting the development of both social skills and social awareness.
•    Preparing pupils for puberty, and giving them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene.
•    Promoting responsible attitudes towards the maintenance of good physical and mental health supported by a safe and healthy lifestyle.
•    Helping pupils develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and self-esteem as they develop their own identity enabling them to make informed choices as well as the ability and confidence to manage conflict.
•    Creating a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships and to enabling them to make sense of their own personal and social experiences.
•    Teaching pupils the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies.
•    Understanding how society works and the laws, rights, morals and responsibilities involved enabling them to react and respond in the appropriate way to any concerns that they may have.
•    Empowering children to recognise risk and make informed choices about their education and future adult life
•    Teaching the importance stable, loving and caring relationships.
•    Promoting our Halfway Learning Muscles and Growth Mindset within everything we do.

The school will work towards these aims in partnership with parents.


At Halfway Houses Primary School we are using the leading children’s health and wellbeing charity, Coram Life Education (CLE) to support us in meeting these legal requirements. We do this by using Coram Life Education’s online SCARF teaching resources.

More information about Coram Life Education and SCARF can be found on their website:



Curriculum outcomes by Year Group

Sample lesson plans

How can I help my child with their PSHE learning?

Here are some questions that you could ask your child.

What makes a good friendship?

How can you help your friends?

Which adults can you talk to if you need help?

How can you resolve conflict?

In what ways are people different?

How do we show respect to others?

What do you know about personal space? 

In what ways do you express yourself?

How can you manage different emotions? 

How can you make sure that you stay safe and healthy? 


Get in Touch

  • Halfway Houses Primary SchoolDanley Road, Sheerness, Isle of Sheppey,Kent, ME12 3AP

  • 01795662875