Kent Test (PESE test and 11+)
Applying for a secondary school place is one of the most important decisions you will make for your child.
Those parents/children wishing to take the Kent Test (also known as PESE tests or 11+) need to register whilst they are in Year 5 so that the test can be taken in September of Year 6.
Registration opens on 1st June 2019 and closes on 3rd July 2019.
You can apply at:
Kent tests take place on ? September 2019.
Secondary School applications (SCAF) open in September 2019 and close on 31st October 2019.
Kent Test assessment results are available on ? October 2019.
Secondary School offers made in March 2020.
Children start in Year 7 at Secondary school in September 2020.
Some guides may be available to help you start planning early and to help you understand the admission process.
These guides are:
Kent Test for Children Starting Secondary School in September 2020
2020 Transfer to Secondary School - A guide for Kent parents
Transfer to Secondary School September 2020
These guides will tell you what happens and when; what you need to do; where you can get more information; a list of the Kent Grammar Schools and frequently asked questions and the answers.
Kent Test Application forms are available from the school office, but please do not complete the form if you have applied for the test on line. If you register for the test on line you can log in again to complete the Secondary preference application.
If you need any further information please contact:
Secondary Admissions Team
0300 333 6472